Example Usage


Generally just point the method you’d like to use to the excel file output by the MultiTrace software and apply a sub-method

Noise Esimation (Absolute median deviation from signal):

from chronoamperometry import statistics

# Point to location of Multi-Trace data
data = '<path to dataset>'

# Calculate the noise in the system
noise = statistics.ReplicateStatistics(data).calculate_median_absolute_deviation_from_signal()

print (noise)

T-test on two independent measurements:

from chronoamperometry import statistics

# importing datasets
data1 = '<path to data for first variable>'
data2 = '<path to data for second variable>'

# loading data into t-test
t_test = statistics.ExperimentalStatistics(data1, data2).t_test()


Plot P-values vs time:

from chronoamperometry import plotting

# import data
data1 = '<path to data for first variable>'
data2 = '<path to data for second variable>'

# plot data
plot = plotting.ExperimentPlot(data1, data2).plot_t_test()

Split DataFrame into two Subsets:

from chronoamperometry import utils

# Point to location of Multi-Trace data
data = '<path to dataset>'

# Create lists of channels to be placed in first and second subsets
variable1 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
variable2 = [7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]

# Split data
subset1_df, subset2_df = utils.SelectData(data, subset_1=variable1, subset_2=variable2).split_dataframes()